FLCCIM Chapter President’s Message

FLCCIM Chapter President’s Message

Liz Menéndez, CCIM

Liz Menéndez, CCIM

Updated: September 2024

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the FL CCIM Chapter Fall Meetings in Orlando. Your participation and enthusiasm made these events a resounding success!

The Economic Update presented by Brian Bailey, CCIM, Senior Policy Adviser of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, was a highlight of our meetings. His insightful analysis of the CRE market drew a record crowd and provided valuable insights into the future.

The Red R and Global Networking Session allowed us to connect with commercial and global professionals around the state. Additionally, the RLI/FLCCIM Marketing Session was our largest turnout yet, providing a platform for pitching properties and requesting client needs. It was a great opportunity to collaborate and connect.

The 50th Anniversary celebratory dinner was outstanding as we acknowledged the incredible contributions made by our past presidents. Their dedication, leadership and collective efforts have shaped our chapter and its thriving success.

We were also thrilled to partner with Florida Realtors and exhibit at the Commercial Corner in the expo. This exposure allowed us to collaborate with residential Realtors and explain the importance of using a CCIM in commercial transactions.

Looking ahead, join us next week for the C5 +CCIM Global Summit in Hollywood, FL, September 17 – 19, where we will be hosting a dinner for CCIM designees around the US. Following that, we will be heading to Houston for the CCIM Annual Governance Meetings. These meetings empower members of the CCIM Institute to shape the future of the organization. We will also celebrate those candidates from Florida taking the CCIM exam. In November, look for our second scheduled Legislative Update which will be held via Zoom.

Once again, thank you for your continued commitment to our mission. Together, we can make a positive impact in the commercial real estate industry!

Liz Menéndez, CCIM
2024 Florida CCIM Chapter President

About CCIM

“CCIM stands for Certified Commercial Investment Member. For more than 50 years, CCIMs have been recognized as leading experts in commercial investment real estate. The CCIM lapel pin denotes that the wearer has completed advanced coursework in financial and market analysis, and demonstrated extensive experience in the commercial real estate industry.”


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