Remembering Past FL CCIM 1987 President Col. Audley C. Harris, USA, CCIM, SIOR
Col. Audley C. Harris, USA, Ret., aged 95, passed away Saturday, January 22, 2022, in Gainesville, FL. He was...
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Commissioner Cheryl Grieb, CCIM, Talks About Neo City
Osceola County Commissioner Cheryl Grieb, CCIM was recently interviewed by FL CCIM regarding the progress of Neo City which...
Legislatively Speaking January 2022 Edition
Happy New Year! Great American Realtor Days registration now open, and, event will take place in Tallahassee February 7th-9th....
Two CCIMs Broker 303.74± Acre Residential Property in Arcadia, FL
William Rollins, CCIM, ALC Hunter Ward, CCIM LSI Companies, Inc. brokered a 303.74± acre residential property in Arcadia, FL...
Two CCIMs Broker 441.46 Acre Residential Land in North Fort Myers
Justin Thibaut, CCIM William Rollins, CCIM, ALC LSI Companies, Inc. brokered a 441± acre vacant residential property known as...
36.8 acres in East Fort Myers sells for $1,990,000
Adam Palmer, CCIM Randy Krise, CCIM 36.8 Acres of vacant land recently sold for $1,990,000 in East Fort...
Infinite Professional Center (Fort Myers, FL) Sells for $3,050,000
The 40,000 s/f Infinite Professional Center (3049 Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers, FL 33901) was sold by Infinite 3090 LLC...
Florida CCIM Chapter Honors New CCIM Designees
The CCIM designation signifies expertise in the commercial real estate profession. The Florida CCIM Chapter has recognized six chapter...
Barbara Ann Monahan, CCIM Collaborates with 2 Southwest CCIMs on Industrial Land Sales
On October 28th, 3.29 Heavy Industrial Acres at 2981 Cargo St, Fort Myers, FL was purchased by “CMC Concrete...
Video – FLCCIM at Pittsburgh CCIM Institute
Why Attend CCIM Institute Meetings? A great time was had by all our FLCCIM members at the Pittsburgh CCIM...