Northwest Leader Beck Partners Share Market Updates
By admin on August 14, 2018Read moreOn the retail front, vacancy is down to record levels and rental rates are climbing, reports retail expert Stacy...
03Candidates – What is CCIM?
By admin on August 14, 2018Read moreCANDIDATES, What is CCIM? The following video may help: Are you in the process of earning your CCIM Designation? Do...
Make Plans to Attend the Florida CCIM Chapter Summer Meetings and Dinner
By admin on June 20, 2018Read moreNOTE: To register, use Chrome, Firefox, or Safari internet browser. DO NOT use Internet Explorer. DATE/TIME Tuesday thru Thursday, August...
16 Florida CCIM Chapter Members Earn Coveted Designation
By admin on June 11, 2018Read moreA number of members of the Florida CCIM Chapter have been awarded the Certified Commercial Investment Member designation by...
History Made at CCIM Pinning Ceremony
By admin on May 8, 2018Read moreAs Hunter Strickland, CCIM, passed the CCIM comprehensive exam and was awarded the CCIM designation at CCIM Institute’s 2018...